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Columbia Elementary School Logo
Columbia Elementary School
Elementary School
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About Columbia Elementary

Columbia Elementary School, located in Rochester, IN, is one of four schools in the Rochester Community School District. The district, located in Fulton County, serves approximately 2,000 students. The Rochester School District is comprised of Columbia Elementary School, grades PreK-1, Riddle Elementary School, grades 2-4, Rochester Middle School, grades 5-7 and Rochester High School, grades 8-12.

At Columbia School, we provide students opportunities to develop their potential intellectually, socially and emotionally. We believe that our school exist to provide an effective educational program and to offer all students opportunities to develop their capabilities to the maximum of their potential so that they may act constructively as contributing citizens in our changing society. Columbia Elementary School has a strong academic foundation, a parent community that is interested and is actively involved, a faculty professionally skilled and personally committed to meeting the needs of students and a student body motivated to perform well.

Columbia Elementary School is comprised of one special needs preschool, three general education preschool classes, six kindergarten classes and seven first grade classes.

Our kindergarten is full day. Students attend school 180 days.